Leiðleitatil (Pathfinder Stave)
ᛏ-ᚨ-ᚱ-ᚺ Pathfinder Stave ᚺ-ᚱ-ᚨ-ᛏ
Greetings, Pathfinder. This is the official home of the Leiðleitatil Stave. Pictured above is the Leiðleitatil in its original configuration. The stave is constructed using four Elder Futhark Runes:
ᚺ - Hagall (Haglaz) - ᚺ
ᚱ - Reið (Raido) - ᚱ
ᚨ - Óss (Ansuz) - ᚨ
ᛏ - Týr (Tiwaz) - ᛏ
ᚺ - Hagall (Haglaz) - ᚺ
ᚱ - Reið (Raido) - ᚱ
ᚨ - Óss (Ansuz) - ᚨ
ᛏ - Týr (Tiwaz) - ᛏ
The Stave Explained
Central to Leiðleitatil is a Haglaz (ᚺ) Rune representing the themes of chaos, adversity, or uncertainty.
The reason for its central prominence is to illicit courage towards facing the problem directly; that one must directly overcome hardship with the courage to find a path through it. |
The Leiðleitatil is made up of eight Road(ᚱ) to Victory(ᛏ) Bindrunes (Leiðtilsigr Bindrúns) arranged in the cardinal directions.
This signifies that while there are many ways to overcome chaos, the principals around how to proceed should remain the same (ᚨ representing reason, wisdom, communication). Note that Victory doesn't mean success by any means, but instead ought to include virtues such as honor, justice, and self-sacrifice. |

The Leiðleitatil stave is for the Pathfinder in each of us that seeks to overcome by searching for an honorable road; one that leverages true wisdom to understand the chaos, and demystify it such that it no longer becomes an obstacle. The reward is personal growth, and as such, it is a recurring theme. The path can, and often will, lead to new obstacles, new uncertainty, and thus the cycle begins again.
The Leiðleitatil stave (and the Leiðtilsigr Bindrún) are free for anyone to use. The four basic runes, and their Path Configuration, came to me in a vision - but presented themselves in a way that made it clear that it was a blueprint to be shared. This compelled me to make this page and convey its message, and I truly hope it brings you guidance and meaning as well.
Leiðleitatil by Ronin ATX is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0